
An Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Literature Lover, Aspiring Writer and “Human-Being”

Through his passion and intentions, Keyurr is planning to edify innumerable masses and to help them in achieving value by accomplishing fitness, prosperity and joy.

Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.

– Anthony J. D’Angelo

From a young age, Keyurr has had a purpose to accomplish something great. This, alongside a passion and commitment to help those around him, has given Keyur the resources to own a wide choice of businesses that have allowed Keyurr to grow from a college to studying master’s in marketing from London South Bank University. Although he failed in many of those businesses, he never stopped trying different ideas.

Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.

– Henry Ford

Dissatisfied with his academic life and stuck working in a supermarket and as a waiter, Keyurr felt entombed inside him that brought little satisfaction, feeling lost and without direction. After having 3 months of depression, he finally came out from the trap. Now, he decided to make sustainable community all over the world, wherever he can reach. Meanwhile, he developed his business in India and started working on running a business in London, that will deal with importing and exporting between Europe and Asia.

I’ll never forget how the depression and loneliness felt good and bad at the same time. Still does.  

― Henry Rollins

Having dreamed of achieving lots of materialistic things, Keyurr felt that money alone could no longer satisfy him. As he saying that he is ‘Human Being’ that describes that in today’s technological world we all become a robot in multiple ways. We are thinking that we are using mobile and other stuff but, that stuff is using us. So, try to become human-being. The definition of human-being is a man, woman, or child of the species Homo sapiens, distinguished from other animals by superior mental development, the power of articulate speech, and upright stance. He wants to spread the message of Health, Wealth and happiness all over the world.

Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.

– Jim Rohn

Months later, during a road trip to Scotland, Keyurr found his purpose: helping those in need. This led him into establishing Pankh Foundation, a nonprofit charitable organization, which is part of Pankh Magazine. As of now, he is working on a plan which will execute in upcoming months in India. He has a very wide vision for Indian kids on street. In October 2014, Keyur had built a Revolution foundation in India providing groceries, Stationeries and other stuff to orphanages.

Remember that the happiest people are not those getting more, but those giving more.

– H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Keyur travelled around different countries to find the different cultures and conditions in that places. He had travelled in India, England, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Scotland, Italy and Germany. Keyurr believes in simple living high thinking. He always follows the internal path, the spiritual path. Never gets angry on anyone, it is the reflection of our attitude. Thankful to God for everything you have.

Don’t Just

Don’t just learn, Experience.
Don’t just read, Absorb.
Don’t just change, Transform.
Don’t just relate, Advocate.
Don’t just promise, Prove.
Don’t just criticize, Encourage.
Don’t just think, Ponder.
Don’t just take, Give.
Don’t just see, Feel.
Don’t just dream, Do. 
Don’t just hear, Listen.
Don’t just talk, Act.
Don’t just tell, Show.
Don’t just exist, Live.

― Roy T. Bennett